The price indices remain much lower during the period of higher arrival in these selected markets. Arrival remains on the higher side during January to March and consequently price indices remain low during this period and lower arrival indices coincides with the higher price indices during the lean season in the selected markets.

It emerges out from this study that there is an inter-year variation in market arrival and prices of potato and variability in market arrivals is more pronounced than prices. However, the productivity of potato in these two districts is positive but required to be improved to enhance the income of the farmers. Similarly, the production of potato has also increased at the rate of 3.36 percent and 2.45 percent in these two districts respectively. It observes that the area of potato has increased at the rate of 3.14 percent and 2.04 percent per annum in West and South Tripura districts respectively. Production of potato and the seasonality in production are the two important factors affecting the price. Accordingly, an effort is made in this study to examine the behaviour of arrivals and prices of potato in Tripura. Two districts viz., West Tripura and South Tripura districts are selected purposively based on higher and lower production. There are eight districts in Tripura and potato is cultivated in all districts.

The study is undertaken in Tripura on a macro framework based on secondary data.